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Crossover Episode "The Hygge Nurse" w Rachel Zimmer #caregiver #brainspotting #healthcare #askdrmia

In this special crossover episode Dr. Mia is interviewed by Rachel Zimmer, host of "The Hygge Nurse." In this episode they discuss a recent study they worked on, which examined at the impact of caregiving, specifically on Black and Latino populations. They also discuss general caregiving tips, including managing stress and navigating the healthcare system. Links to "The Hygge Nurse" podcast and other resources are below.

Resources List:

The Hygge Nurse Hosted by Rachel Zimmer


UCLA Caregiver Education Videos and Resources:


Creating Moments of Joy Along the Alzheimer's Journey by Jolene Brackey


Dementia Matters Podcast:

- Podcast by the Wisconsin Alzheimer's Disease Research Center on memory care research.

Brain Spotting Music on Spotify:

- Bilateral auditory stimulation music for stress relief.



Key Takeaways:

1. Understanding Caregiver Well-Being:

- Importance of self-care for caregivers.

- Strategies to find moments of respite and self-care activities.

- Differentiating between internal thoughts and external constraints to reduce self-blame.

2. Navigating the Healthcare System:

- Challenges caregivers face in the healthcare system.

- Tips for managing transitions of care, such as moving from home to hospital.

- Importance of clear communication and finding language-concordant care.

3. Practical Tips for Caregiving:

- Handling common dementia-related behaviors like refusal to bathe or take medications.

- Importance of creating joyful moments despite the challenges.

- Utilizing mindfulness, journaling, and bilateral stimulation techniques like brain spotting for stress relief.

4. Research Insights:

- Overview of a study on the well-being of Black and Latino caregivers.

- Impact of cultural and language barriers on caregiver experiences.

- Importance of presence and empathetic listening in caregiving.